Produced by Wayne Haun, This Is The Moment demands attention from the very first notes, with a bold orchestral introduction that underlines the title track’s triumphant announcement, “This is the moment the Lord has made.” Ally Griggsleads the ensemble through the anthemic opening chorus, and the joyous energy of the song’s invitation (“We’re in His presence, Let’s come together, And lavish Him with praise”) never flags as the celebratory lyric unwinds. And though the arrangements and tempos cover the gamut, the gospel messages Endless Highway delivers are single-minded in their affirmation of God’s love and encouragement to persevere in faith.
Each member of the family quartet — Jason and Vanessa Griggs and their children, Ally and Jay — has an opportunity to take the lead in the album’s course, whether it’s Ally on “This Is The Moment”; Vanessa on the country swing-flavored description of a “Secret Place of Prayer”; Jason on a meditative Gaithers classic, “I Am Loved,” that also features a guest vocal from Endless Highway friend Mark Lowry; or Jay, whose muscular reading of “The End” is a perfect match for the song’s confident declaration of belief in “a kingdom that starts at the end of the darkness…I know that we win in the end.” And fittingly, Endless Highway’s vocal diversity is embodied in their first single from the project, “Love Carried The Cross.” Written by Haun, Ernie Haase and Joel Lindsay, it’s a majestic testimonial offered in turn by Jason, Jay and Ally that’s deeply and personally revelatory.
Says Jason Griggs, “We are elated over the lyrical content and production of this project. These songs will speak life, hope, and encouragement into your life.” With its expansive orchestration, uplifting songs and heartfelt, compelling artistry, Endless Highway’s This Is The Moment more than lives up to its title.
Track List
This is the Moment
I'll Get Over It
Love Carried the Cross
Not the Same
Secret Place of Prayer
Don't Lay Down the Cross
What God Can Do
I Am Loved
The End
In Christ Alone
Release Date: March 10, 2023